Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wish Someone Told Me In High School...

1. You can be 25 and earn enough to afford a house, two cars and a luxurious life by being a pilot. Why bother with a degree?

2. SPM is important. For bragging, and not much else.

3. There's one place that accepts anyone, guarantees promotion and pay rise, sends you overseas on other people's money and won't ever fire you for incompetence. It's called the Civil Service.

4. What you learn in High School matters jack-shit in the real world. What you learn in University matters only if you turned out to be a lecturer.

5. People who were hot in High School will turn out less than hot 5 years after graduation.

6. If you work in McDonald's straight out of High-School, you'll earn more than your friends who joined a 5 1/2 year law school when they graduate. And you'll probably be smarter too.

7. Only in exceptional cases does the "true love" that you had in High-School leads to long-term relationship. Most will break-up once you start working. Either one of you will be uglier to the other person by the time you enter University.

8. Nobody cares if you're a member of the Leo/Interact/Pengakap/Bulan Sabit Merah/Kelab Sukan...

9. Being a sports star in High School is a precursor to being a failure in almost everything. Only in rare cases have this been proven otherwise.

10. Getting married is the best thing you could ever do.

11. Being monogamous is the worst thing you could ever get into.



Iron Butterfly said...
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Iron Butterfly said...

Yes to #1 #2 #4 #5 #9.

err what's up with #11 lah? Heh.

joseph said...


(1) every inch of gain will be balanced by an inch of loss. It aint over till it's over

(2)have to agree but spm aka mediocrity is part of the way X controls the people by suppressing them. X will then send their children overseas to gain that edge over the rest. ( thats why it's heaven and earth between me and justin leong/ruth yeoh etc, or in your case that PM son..dont you agree?)

(3)it's not that bad. minus the culture and the ruling party iron curtain ruling

(4)lol, not that bad. it shapes your thinking. gives you what they call critical thinking...

(5) no comment

(6) refer to #1

(7) no comment

(8) i join st john for the same reason. abandoned half way

(9)no comment.

(10) but microtrend shows that ppl are getting single/ gay more

(11) due to #11

Natalia Kay said...

Item no. 8: Agree on this one. Knew that a long time ago. Have never been bothered with any even until now. So yea, people shouldn't be too bothered about joining the Leo/Interact-club of today like YCM, cos no one will care(hehe, no offense Firdaus :))