1. It's funny how the usually less pious folks get all worked up for Ramadhan, while the pious ones remain pretty cool.
2. You know, sending all these messages spreading the holiness of Ramadhan, while at the same time lamenting that they'll not be clubbing for a month. Telling how Ramadhan is visiting with his friends, when you're still talking about having casual sex.
3. Or spending the entire day making a big fuss over buka puasa and not eating. Or making a big deal over completing a day of fasting.
4. I guess it's like the World Cup. Some non-football fans get all worked up once every four years, when actually they can't tell the difference between a sweeper and a winger, or they can't watch a game for the full 90 minutes without switching to Glee or Benci Bilang Cinta, or thinking that any game with a 0-0 scoreline is a bore.
5. The more I look at it, the more I realize Ramadhan is like the World Cup for a significant number of Muslims - an event of such a nature that they'll feel left out if they don't become a part of. You realize during the World Cup the sudden surge in interest on football, like it's the in thing to be interested in.
6. Therefore, people overcompensate. Suddenly 21 rakaat for terawikh is more than acceptable, when before 2 for Friday Prayers is too taxing. Like suddenly wearing Holland's jersey, when before you thought that football jerseys are for rempits.
7. The weird part is how people really get into the Ramadhan culture, without actually delving into the Ramadhan spirit. How many would want to bet (totally un-Ramadhan like) that there's more people at the Pasar Ramadhan than they are in the mosque for terawikh?
8. Anyway, I'm not judging. I'm not saying that's bad or wrong. It's an observation.
9. In fact, I'm the first to admit that sometimes I feel a bit like a fraud during Ramadhan.
10. The difference is I realize that I am, and I keep my mouth shut.
11. Bad Muslim? Maybe, and I'm working on it. Hypocrite? I don't think so.
terawih tapi subuh miss.
so weird. salah konsep.
must admit that i think i somewhat fall under the jumping-on-bandwagon group of ppl, either for WC or the overexcitedness for Ramadhan.
i guess it's like a yearly reminder to be closer to Allah just that come Syawal, ppl (by ppl i also mean me) tend to slowly revert back to the old ways.
iron butterfly: kalau bangun sahur, insya Allah tak miss subuh. kalau miss tu i suppose sahur pon tak la tu..
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