We can learn a lot from football.
1. Humans are prone to error (and the better for it, IMHO). It's what humans do.
2. The amount of newspaper coverage you get has no direct correlation to your actual value (Barisan Nasional, please take note).
3. It's hard to find a solution to a problem, but very easy to point out problems in a solution (Pakatan Rakyat, please take note).
4. One defeat can erase dozens of wins (all business leaders, take note).
5. When you're up, everyone's kissing your ass. When you're down, everyone's kicking it.
6. Ability to speak in English is not an indication of intelligence (John Terry's pretty vocal, isn't he?).
7. We can aim for the sky but first, make sure we have wings to fly (Malaysia Boleh, please take note).
8. Higher wages does not mean better players (watch out NEM).
9. You cannot manage egos (all managers, please take note).
10. Never bet on England. Ever.
"like like like". especially #10. LOL. Good to have you back in blogosphere =D
#10, epic!
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